What To Do When Weight Loss Stalls

    There comes a point in every person’s weight loss journey when they feel they are unable to shed anymore weight even after sticking to the same diet and daily exercise, and when the weighing scale refuses to show lower numbers, it can be extremely frustrating. In fact, you might even question the whole purpose of […]

  • What life will be like when the computers disappear

    What happens when the computers around you all but disappear? Tiny sensors built into walls, household products, what you’re wearing, and perhaps your own body will make computers invisible to the eye, but responsive to a gesture, voice, and perhaps your movement as you walk into a room. It is still very early, but the era of ambient […]

    When Video Game Consoles Wanted (and Failed) to Be Computers

    Image: Scan of Intelivision owner manual. A lot of early video game consoles secretly wanted to be home computers, too. Their makers either sold keyboard add-ons or failed miserably in the process. A version of this post originally appeared on Tedium, a twice-weekly newsletter that hunts for the end of the long tail. Of all […]

    New patterns emerge in fabric when the temperature changes

    Imagine a single-coloured piece of cloth that suddenly displays a colourful pattern when the ambient temperature changes. Upon further temperature change, a completely different pattern shows up. Doctoral student Marjan Kooroshnia at the University of Borås has developed methods that enable just such changes. They are now on display at the Textile Museum, in Borås, […]

    How to Know When to Choose a Tablet Versus a Laptop

    You may have thought about whether you can get by with a tablet instead of a laptop in your business. While in some cases, a tablet may absolutely be the right choice, in other cases, it might not fit the bill. When it comes to deciding between a tablet and laptop for your primary business […]

    How to Know When to Choose a Tablet Versus a Laptop

    You may have thought about whether you can get by with a tablet instead of a laptop in your business. While in some cases, a tablet may absolutely be the right choice, in other cases, it might not fit the bill. When it comes to deciding between a tablet and laptop for your primary business […]

    What To Do When Your SEO Campaign Fails

    It can be very disappointing when your SEO campaign fails. You spend time researching your area, your topic, drafted your content and then wrote this incredible piece. You even worked outreach, with emails being sent to the right people, pitches sent, tweets, all of it. And then, nothing happened. You didn’t get any shares, no […]

    BMW Only Owned One Computer When it Designed the E28 5-Series

    BMW BY CHRIS PERKINS DEC 30, 2016 2.4k In the late 1970s and early 1980s, BMW’s entire global operation only possessed one computer. The team developing the second-generation 5-Series had to ask for permission to borrow it, since the company mainly used it for spare parts logistics and payroll tasks. Given these circumstances, it’s amazing […]

    3 Things You Need To Know When Making Green Claims About Products

    As more consumers look for greener choices in the marketplace, it’s not surprising that marketers are focusing on the environmental benefits of their products. However, green claims, as with any other advertising claim, must be backed up by sound science. Green advertising claims – whether in the form of product marketing, packaging or promotion – […]