Classroom clothing store aims to serve students in need

Look good, feel good, do good— it’s the premise behind Tippecanoe Valley High School creating a boutique in one of their classrooms.

The idea started after students needed to dress in business attire for a class assignment, but some student said they didn’t have professional clothing.


June Yazel, who is an English teacher, got involved. She wrote a post on the school’s Facebook page asking for people to donate business clothing to the school and the response was overwhelming.

They realized they wanted a more permanent place for the clothes to live, rather the having kids go through boxes and racks in a storage room, away from other classes on the far end of the school.

The “TV Boutique Club” was formed— a group of around seven students who are working on transforming a plain, unused classroom into a boutique where kids can proudly come to and borrow the clothes the need.

“We just thought that with a boutique setup it would probably lessen that stigma of borrowing clothes and it would be more like a normal thing, more out in the open and more fun,” says Yazel.

The classroom, with its large front window, is in a main hallway and somewhere kids can see the clothes and know that they available to them.

The TV Boutique Club is getting creative. With the help of teachers, they’re painting the walls and the furniture in the classroom and they’re even building their own mannequins out of cellophane tape.

“It’s kind of upsetting that people don’t have clothes at home,” said club member, Kaitlin Shoemaker. “I’m glad that we had the opportunity to help them out so that they don’t have to worry about that so much when they go home.”

All of the clothing, shoes and accessories are free to check out, like you would a book out of the library. Everyone can take advantage of the store, whether they need to borrow just a shirt or shoes or the entire outfit.

They Boutique Club has applied for a grant so they can get racks for the clothes and they’re also looking for more professional clothing donations so they have a good range of sizes for girls and boys.

A grand opening date hasn’t been set, but the club says they hope to have it up and running before the end of the school year.

[“Source- wndu”]

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