Home decor advice: Here’s how to make your surroundings calm and soothing

    Our homes are possibly the most lived-in spaces, considering the numerous lockdowns, long hours of work-from-home and social distancing. With rising cases of Omicron reported around the world and tell-tale signs of home isolation, how can you make sure that your space is peaceful, relaxing and conducive to your growth and productivity? Don’t shy away from lights Lighting is […]

  • NEWS
    4 Essential Tips for Successful 3D Printing Lessons and Projects

    Image Source  As More Schools Bring 3D Printers into Libraries, Maker Spaces and Classroom, Teachers Need to Consider how to Leverage This Intriguing new Technology in Lessons, Lectures, and Projects. The number of schools that are using 3D printers for education is rapidly rising. Even though the prices of 3D printers are decreasing, most schools still […]

  • NEWS
    How to think critically – a guide to creative and critical thinking

    Find out why critical thinking is such a valued and in-demand skill and how you can improve your own critical thinking abilities. The ability to analyse arguments, evaluate evidence, and distinguish between fact and opinion is a valuable skill. As a result, critical thinking is a highly sought after ability that can benefit you at […]

  • NEWS
    So Many New Marketing Tactics, Tools And Technologies, Oh My!

    How Can Anyone Be Sure What To Do And When To Do It? Square 2 Marketing was founded on one simple principle: Help people get better at marketing, sales and revenue generation in general. Back in 2003, we kept meeting really smart business leaders who were great at what their business did (manufacturing, accounting or […]

  • Goth princess: how the new It dress won over Kate – and everyone else

    The Vampire’s Wife dress, in different styles, as seen on Thandie Newton, Princess Beatrice, the Duchess of Cambridge, Jodie Comer and Zawe Ashton. Composite: Rex/Shutterstock/PA/WireImage/Guardian Design Team As our esteemed readers know, we at the Guardian fashion desk do not make a habit of blanket coverage every time a duchess wears a dress to a […]

    Here’s What’s Killing Your Favourite Clothes! (And How to Stop That!)

    It takes approximately 6,800 litres of water to manufacture a pair of jeans. The materials often used in the production of fast-fashion aren’t sustainable or ethical. The annual carbon footprint emitted from the fashion industry is 10 per cent of global carbon emissions, which means more greenhouse gases are given off in this process than all the […]

    LG Electronics appoints TV and mobile chief as its new CEO

    Seoul: LG Electronics Inc. has said it has appointed Brian Kwon, head of the firm’s TV and mobile business, as its new chief executive officer (CEO). The board of directors at the Korean tech giant picked Kwon to replace incumbent CEO Jo Seong-jin, who took the top post in 2016. Jo, nicknamed “Legend of the Washing Machine,” has […]