What The Hell Even Is A Computer? Let This Artist Explain

    Computers have become an unavoidable, intrinsic, indivisible part of culture. And yet, every few years, our culture feels the need to slap itself in the face, Macaulay-Culkin-in-Home-Alone-style, and re-ask itself: Wait, what the fuck are we actually talking about when we talk about “computers,” again? Like, what does that word even mean?  Do you know? Honestly. Take a minute. I’ll wait. [Image: Taeyoon […]

  • Finney: Computer store hell, or why I prefer hardware stores

    (Photo: Ingram Publishing, Getty Images/Ingram Publishing) The tiny light on my personal computer’s power cord failed to turn on when I plugged it into the wall. The light is supposed to be orange when it is charging the laptop’s battery, and green when the battery is fully charged. But it was black as a burned […]