Electronics industry fears supply disruptions, production cuts, price rise due to Coronavirus

    With the Coronavirus in China showing no sign of abating, and parts of the country being stranded under quarantine, India’s electronics industry is fearing supply disruptions, production curtailment, as well as a negative impact on prices, revenue, product launches and local manufacturing. If the situation prolongs, the industry is bound to take a hit by […]

    Trade winds: Big jump in electronics exports allays deficit fears

    Analysts have pointed out that the nature of electronics imports, especially in the mobile phone segment, is changing. Massive electronics imports and their debilitating impact on trade balance have long pressured the country’s current account, but a spurt in electronics exports since last year has pleasantly surprised policymakers. Having jumped 39% year-on-year to a record […]

    Encryption Row Spotlights Fears on Security, Privacy

    HIGHLIGHTS The weeks-long showdown between the FBI and Apple ended last month. Snowden stoked fears of electronic surveillance to become pervasive. Recently WhatsApp had implemented end to end encryption in its app too. Has encryption technology given the bad guys a way to operate in the dark? Or has the new tech age gifted law […]