Yoga for Children

    Mountains tumbling into head stands, suddenly converting into speeding cycles. Bridges collapsing into roaring lions, cocooned caterpillars turning into beautiful butterflies. These amazing pictures are nothing but scenes from any normal household. Watch a child and you will know. The natural postures of a child are yoga asanas. This is what the body is born […]

    Yoga Wear | Secrets for choosing the right yoga clothes

    Stretchable fabrics enhance yoga postures •• The main objective of choosing the right yoga wear is so you can just forget about it during yoga practice. At dawn, when the rest of the world is still and quiet, I reserve special yoga-time for a series of gentle Art of Living Yoga asanas, pranayamas (yoga breathing […]

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    Hip Toning Yoga Asanas

    ••• The hips are taken to task along with the back on those long work hours, this can cause stiffness in the hips. Exercising without proper stretches, body joint problems and back injuries can also cause stiffness in the hips. The stiffness in the hips can reduces the blood circulation and energy flow through the […]

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    Breathe Your Way to a Calm Mind with Yoga

    Breathing exercises or pranayamas strengthen the body and make the mind pleasant ••• The mind never gets a day off. It’s either busy with ‘who-said-what’ or mulling on the past or the future. With yoga and meditation, train your mind to stay calm, happy and relaxed. Imagine going on a long drive to the countryside […]

    Are You Doing Yoga Nidra?

    It is interesting to see how yoga nidra, where we literally do ‘nothing’, can do wonders for the body and mind. I find yoga nidra as restorative as sleep, or even much more than sleep. It offers benefits that go deep down to the subtler levels of our personality. Let’s see how. Yoga nidra can […]

    How Yoga Can Keep You From Joint Pain

    Do your knee joint or wrists or shoulders ache when doing trivial things? Is the pain in your joints limiting you from enjoying life the way you wish to? Are you tired of popping painkillers multiple times a day? If you said yes for either of these questions, you’ve obviously have had enough and are […]

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    Yoga : What Is Yoga?

    ••• The Yoga Way of Life! Derived from the Sanskrit word yuj, Yoga means union of the individual consciousness or soul with the Universal Consciousness or Spirit. Yoga is a 5000 year old Indian body of knowledge. Though many think of yoga only as a physical exercise where people twist, turn, stretch, and breathe in […]