Speech to Text for Two men given tiny homes

    A local non profit gave two Eugene men the key to their new tiny home today. snow in the upper elevations it’s the season to give…and today — a local non-profit and donors gave two eugene residents homes… as kezi 9 news reporter jeanette quezada spoke to the new residents today, and shows us what […]

    Top 5 Text Blast Software Uses for Small Businesses

    There are many ways for small businesses to use text blast software. Here we will take a look at the top five uses of text blast software for small businesses. What is text blast software? For the sake of this article we will be using text blast software interchangeably with SMS messaging. SMS, or short message service, messaging […]

    10 Tips For Successful Text Marketing

    Are you using text marketing or text codes as part of your marketing strategy? If you don’t know what text marketing or mobile marketing (I use these terms as one and the same) is, then this is something that you need to be looking into. Text marketing is basically distributing your marketing through a wireless […]