The best Mother’s Day gifts under $50

    (PROVIDED) We hope you enjoy the products we recommend. We may receive a commission if you purchase a product mentioned in this article. Finding a gift that tells your mom how much you appreciate her is difficult. When you’re on a budget or have a mother that insists no one spend too much on her, […]

    Lowes Mothers Day coupons spreading on social media are a scam

    An online coupon for Lowe’s that is making the rounds on social media is actually a scam. A post, which has appeared on Facebook, states that the home improvement chain is giving away $50 coupons to celebrate Mother’s Day, according to CNN. All you have to do is take a survey. Clicking the link to […]

    Beware of $50 Mother’s Day Lowe’s coupon scam on Facebook

    Watch out! Another Facebook scam is making the rounds. This time it has to do with Lowe’s Home Improvement. A Facebook post that is being circulated claims that Lowe’s is offering $50 off coupons for Mother’s Day. Then after clicking on the post, users are directed to take a survey on a website that looks […]