Microsoft launched the latest version of its Surface tablets in India on Thursday. Surface Pro 4, a device combining style with computing efficiency, will be available from Rs 89,990 onwards to customers. Conceived as a tablet, it can transform into a full-fledged laptop in the blink of an eye with the help of the additional type cover.
The product is being launched at a time when tech gadgets are likely to be hit from the slowdown in China and strong US dollar. According to a forecast by US-based Consumer Technology Association, $950 billion will be spent globally on consumer electronics in 2016, two per cent less than last year. With the number of actual units shipped unlikely to change, prices may have to come down marginally.
Surface Pro 4 sports a 12.3-inch display. It is powered by Intel’s sixth generation Core processor and runs onWindows 10 Pro operating system. The tablet comes with a USB 3.0 port, a microSD card reader, a 3.5-mm headset jack, a Mini DisplayPort, and SurfaceConnect port. It has five mega pixel (MP) front and eight MP rear cameras.
The Surface Pen, loaded with 1,024 levels of pressure sensitivity, gives the user a seamless experience.
The Surface Pro 4, powered by Core i5 coupled with four gigabyte (GB) of random access memory (RAM) and 128GB storage is priced at Rs 89,990, Surface Pro 4 with Core i5, 8GB RAM and 256GB SSD at Rs 1,20,990 and the higher-end variant with Core i7, 8GB of RAM and 256GB SSD at Rs 1,44,990. It comes with custom-made applications from Adobe that are a treat to work on.
Microsoft India Chairman Bhaskar Pramanik said, “Surface Pro 4, the most awaited tablet, is now available in India. It is a perfect choice for those who place a premium on portability, yet require more productivity and performance out of their devices.”
The latest device will be available exclusively on Amazon for at least six months. HCL Infosystems is the authorised device distributor of Microsoft India. Surface Pro 4 will be available from Thursday.
Microsoft said 200 million computers across the world are running on Windows 10, just after five months of its launch, making it the fastest-growing OS in the tech giant’s history.
When asked about his expectations from the forthcoming Union Budget, Pramanik said, “We are looking forward to a growth-oriented Budget. The government has done some good work in providing infrastructure facilities to the manufacturing sector. But there is a serious need to step up production capacity along with intertwining of various sectors. Only then can reforms like Make in India be successful.”