Getting into a new business venture is an incredibly complicated process. So you need to start with the basics and work your way up from there. Below is a collection of some tips from members of the small business community about the basics you need to start your business off on the right foot.
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ToggleLearn Why Startups Fail
You’re likely already aware of some of the statistics about how often startups fail early on. But what about the reasons behind those failures? To avoid failure in your own startup, take a look at this post by Khawar Zaman on the Technorian blog that includes some of the reasons why startups fail.
Use the “One New Thing” Rule
When coming up with a new business idea, you don’t necessarily need to reinvent the wheel every time. Sometimes you just need to make one change on something that’s already familiar to people, as Douglas McLennan shares in the diacritical bloghere.
Perfect Your Online Marketing Process
Business owners can benefit from blogging for a number of reasons. But you need to come up with a strategy and a process for your blog in order for it to be effective. Benjamin Brandall discusses perfecting the blogging process in this poston the Process Street blog. And BizSugar members discuss the post further here.
Recognize Your Remote Employees
More and more small businesses are utilizing freelancers, contract workers and other remote employees these days. But it’s important to treat these employees well, the way you would with traditional employees. Simone Smith discusses how you can recognize your remote employees in the Hppy blog here.
Learn to Market Your Business
There are countless different ways you can market your business. But there are several basics that should be a part of any marketing plan. In this post on the Hendricks Design Studios blog, Sharese Hendricks shares some of the basics.
Follow Evolving SEO Strategies
Search engine algorithms are changing constantly, and with them, SEO strategies. But if you learn a bit about search engine updates, you may be able to shape your SEO strategies so that they get the best results possible. This post by Garrett Bonistalli in One Thing Marketing includes some information about Google algorithm updates and how they might impact SEO practices.
Handle Your Stress
Stress is an unavoidable part of running a business. But it doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing. If you can learn how to manage stress, as Chris Farmer discussesin this Corporate Coach Group post, you could potentially benefit. BizSugar members also share thoughts on the post here.
Advertise Your Business Using Twitter
Social media can be a huge help to any new business, since it’s a quick and inexpensive way to get the word out about your products or offerings. In a post on her That Kat blog, Kat Simpson shares some ways you can advertise your online store on Twitter.
Optimize Your Facebook Ads
Facebook is also a huge platform for businesses looking to advertise or promote their products or services. And there are ways you can make your Facebook ads more effective without necessarily putting in a lot of extra work. Here in the Social Media Examiner, Carolyn Berk shares some ways you can optimize Facebook ads.
Look Into Nontraditional Financing Options
No longer is there just one way to get your business financed. As Anna Helhoski shares in this CorpNet post, there are several nontraditional financing options you can consider. Members of the BizSugar community also share input on the discussion here.
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