The crime branch of Pune police, on Wednesday, arrested a gang of six people for stealing electronic goods worth Rs 24 lakh from a godown in Budhwar peth.
The six men have been identified as Vinaykumar Virendranarayan Saroj, 20, Rahul Ramsajeevan Saroj, 19, both residents of Patil estate, Shivajinagar; Akshaykumar Shrimevalal Saroj, 20, Nirajkumar Meghai Saroj, 19, Sunilkumar Shamsundar Saroj, 24, and Arvindkumar Pyarelal Saroj, 20, all residents of Mangalwar peth The six men are natives of Uttar Pradesh and are remotely related to each other, according to the police
Shirish Sardeshpande, deputy commissioner of police (crime) said, “The godown is located on the second floor of a building in Budhwar peth. The six men climbed the building using the tin roof of a tea stall located outside the building. The men broke open a window frame of the godown and entered. They had also sourced a pick-up truck from their native place in Uttar Pradesh. “
“The Uttar Pradesh registeration number plate of the truck was changed into a fake number plate bearing MH12QR7824. They also spray painted the truck into a different colour,” he said.
“The stolen goods included 60 boxes of multi-circuit breakers and 12 boxes of distribution switch. We have recovered all of the stolen goods. One of the six (Vinaykumar) was an ex-employee of the godown owner. He left the job six months ago. The six men, who have no prior history, had planned to dispose of the stolen goods into the market,” said Samir Shaikh, assistant commissioner of police, Unit-2 of Pune police crime branch.