From the creator of My Neighbor in Need, is a website that provides a private and nurturing way for teachers and faculty members to ask for help for a Student in Need and a way for the community to give back.
.Seventh-grade boy, age 13, is in need of clothing and tennis shoes. We are unsure of his current sizes because of a recent growth spurt. Therefore, we are asking for a donation of any amount up to $150 to My Student in Need and we will purchase a gift card so the teacher can take the student shopping. If you can help, please call us at 406-750-2542. The identification number is: Great Falls North Middle School #2351.
.A local preschool is need of sweatpants (size 4-5) and boy’s underpants (size 4-5) which must be new and in the original packaging. Having these items is crucial while preschoolers are becoming independent in the restroom. Due to needing multiple items we are asking for a donation of any amount up to $100 to My Student in Need and we will purchase a gift card so the teacher(s) can go shopping for the needed items. You do not have to provide all of the money needed to fulfill this need. Rather just tell us how much you wish to contribute and once we reach the goal we can buy the gift card. If you can help, please call us at 406-750-2542. The identification number is: Great Falls Preschool #2344.
To help a Student in Need
If you would like to help, visit and scroll down to the list of schools. The number next to the school represents the number of current need requests at that specific school. The needs can change every day. Find a need request and click on the Fulfill This Need Request button. Or you can call 406-750-2542. If you wish to fulfill a financial need request you are asked to make your donation payable to My Student in Need.
Send financial donations to: My Student in Need, 525 Central Avenue #M-2, Great Falls, MT 59401. Remember to make checks payable to My Student in Need. Your donation is tax deductible. Thank you.
Operational costs are underwritten by a sponsorship from Montana Farmers Union, our Partners in Dignity, and general donations. Don’t forget to like us on our Facebook page for updates and the latest information.