The Sage Who Made scientific Computing transparent And low-priced

    Do you bear in mind Julia, a dynamic programming language for technical computing that we had stumble upon in an in advance issue of EFY? Now, let us have a examine SageMath (previously referred to asSAGE, an abbreviation for machine for Algebra and Geometry Experimentation), a go-platform, pythonprimarily based computer algebraic system for scientific computing. […]

  • NEWS
    How King Hilsa made a comeback

    The famous Hilsa fish is in decline across Asia due to overfishing, pollution and lack of water in the rivers, but Bangladesh is the one shining exception. Image credit: Reuters As Bengali New Year’s Day was celebrated in Bangladesh, people had an extra reason to cheer. After many years, they could have their favourite fish Hilsa […]

  • NEWS
    First 3D-Printed Robots Made Out of Both Solids and Liquids

    In a first, MIT scientists have 3D printed a tiny six-legged robot using a new technique that involves printing solid and liquid materials at the same time. The new method allows the team to automatically 3D print dynamic robots in a single step, with no assembly required, using a commercially-available 3D printer. “Our approach, which […]

    This Women’s Clothing Brand Is Made For Professional Women Who Hate To Shop

    ELIZABETH SEGRAN 03.31.16 6:06 AM “I’m so sick of the stereotype that all women are shopping-obsessed,” Sarah LaFleur, the 32-year-old cofounder of the workwear brand MM.LaFleur, tells Fast Company. After college, LaFleur spent several years working in management consulting and private equity, where she needed a rotation of crisp, smart work clothes. But she had […]

    She Made Hard-Drive Wiping a $2 Million-a-Year Business

    One day in May 2004, Elizabeth Wilmot tried to throw away an old computer and looked around for someone who could properly wipe sensitive data from the hard drive and recycle it. She couldn’t find anyone online who would do that at a residential level, and a business idea germinated. So at the beginning of […]