Sony on Monday launched a range of XQD and SD storage cards and what it says is the world’s first XQD/SD card reader – the MRW-E90. The company also unveiled the QDA-SB1, a USB XQD adapter. It says these cards are meant for professional photographers who work on high-speed DSLR cameras such as Nikon D5 or the Nikon D500. Both the XQD and SF storage cards come in 32GB, 64GB and 128GB variants, and are already available to purchase.
While the Sony XQD-M32/J SYM, XQD-M64/J SYM, and the XQD-M128/J SYM storage cards are priced at Rs. 3,500, Rs. 6,700 and Rs. 14,500 respectively, the SF-M 32, SF-M 64 and the SF-M 128 cost Rs. 4,795, Rs. 7,215, and Rs. 11,545 respectively.
Sony says its latest card reader technology can backup 64GB of data in approximately 3 minutes. Its new XQD-M series is rated to delivers transfer speed of up to 440MB/s (read) and 150MB/s (write). As for the SF-M series, the storage cards, according to the Japanese tech giant, can deliver transfer speed of up-to 260MB/s (read) and 100MB/s (write).
These cards are said to be dust-proof, X-ray proof, anti-static, and magnet proof, protecting the content in rough use and making it durable as well. Sony adds that the deleted photos and videos, including RAW images, mov files, and 4K XAVC-S video files can be recovered by using the downloadable File Rescue software.
In addition, Sony has launched the world’s first XQD/SD card reader, MRW-E90, along with a USB – XQD adapter, the QDA-SB1 (seen above). The QDA-SB1 is priced at Rs. 1,490. The Sony MRW-E90 is said to support ultra-high speed data transfer to a PC from all XQD series and UHS-II SD cards, and also support Super Speed USB (USB3. Gen. 1). On the other hand, the QDA-SB1 adapter is compatible with the M and G Series XQD cards, and comes with an extension USB cable.
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