The Best Computer Science Blogs

    Computer science is an amazing field of study, formalizing as a college discipline in the ’60s and evolving through the decades since to become part of daily life around the world. And, for some of us, it’s also turned into a passion. Whether computer science is one of your college courses or just something of casual interest, […]

    BLOG TYBCOM Computer Classes in Mumbai

    Brainpoint.net covers all college-based Syllabus T.Y.B.Com Computers new syllabus introduced by the University of Mumbai at the T.Y.B.Com Level. Our classes in mumbai at grant road cover all the important programs topics like MySQL, Excel, and Visual Basic etc. Our teaching method has made it simple and easy to understand with a practical approach. Graphic […]

    How to Set Up Mail on Your Windows 10 Computer

    Using the Mail app on your computer can be a lot more convenient than logging into a website like Gmail. There are a number of benefits—including the biggest, being able to access your downloaded email whenever you’re lacking an internet connection. If you’ve just made the switch to Windows, or have just finally decided it’s […]

    How to create thread on Twitter using computer: Know steps

    These are some steps which can help you to create a thread on Twitter using a computer | Picture for Representation Twitter is a popular platform where people can post their opinions and views on several social issues and other things. On Twitter, sometimes more than one Tweet are needed to express views. A thread […]

    Bringing computer education up to code

    Inside the gymnasium of Bishop Woods Architecture & Design Magnet School in New Haven, about 150 students are showing off the results of months of computer programming work. It’s the last big event of Code Haven, an ongoing alliance between Yale undergraduate students and the New Haven Public Schools. In addition to Bishop Woods, the students […]

    Raspberry Pi computer looks down on Earth

    This is a neat image of Planet Earth, showing another beautiful day in the Mediterranean. The outlines of Italy, Corsica and Sardinia are unmistakable. The view to the west includes the Balearics. What’s interesting about the picture is that it was taken with a commercial off-the-shelf Raspberry Pi computer and camera. The UK satellite company […]

    Computer Models Simplify the Synthesis of Organic Electronics

    Organic electronics could change the electronics industry  with their high cost-efficiencies and versatility compared with more commonly used inorganic electronics. For example, their flexibility could let companies print them like paper or put them into clothing to power wearable electronics. However, they have failed to gain much industry traction due to the difficulty of controlling […]

    Update: Dell Fixed My Bricked Computer

    My broken Alienware computer has become quite a controversy in the last week, but in the end, Dell came through for me. I recently did a fresh install of Windows on my Alienware Aurora desktop computer. I went to Dell’s website and downloaded all of the recommended updates, including a bios update. The bios update froze […]

    Raspberry Pi: No longer the fastest $35 computer but still the best

    The past year has produced a steady stream of single-board computers that surpass the specs of the flagship Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, some of which have also matched its rock-bottom $35 price tag. But getting hands-on with these boards reveals the specs sheet only tells half the story. Boot up one of these theoretically […]